WORKPLACE COMPASSION PULSE CHECK A COMPASSIONATE CULTURE LEADS TO HIGH PERFORMANCE - LET'S INVESTIGATE HOW YOUR WORKPLACE IS DOING.Please respond to the following questions with Agree, Unsure or Disagree. You will get an immediate score once you submit your answers.This pulse check should take you less that 10 minutes to complete. It is anonymous and designed so that no one can be identified from the data. After you have completed the survey, you may choose to provide your name and email address to receive some complimentary support tools. We value your privacy and this information will not in any way be connected or linked to your survey responses. Please visit our privacy policy here. Question Title I feel that the majority of people in my organisation: 1. Pay careful attention when I talk about my challenges. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 2. Are caring toward me if they see me going through a difficult time. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 3. Are concerned with my problems. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 4. Realise that everyone feels stress sometimes, it is part of being human. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 5. Notice when I am upset, even if I don’t say anything. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 6. Are there for me in times of difficulty. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 7. Think about my concerns and those of others. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 8. Keep a balanced perspective on the situation when I share my problems. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 9. Listen patiently to me when I discuss my needs. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 10. Do not avoid people who are experiencing a lot of distress. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title 11. Are focused on high performance. Agree Unsure Disagree Question Title Which industry does your organisation operate in? (Select from dropdown) Administrative and Support Services Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry Arts and Recreation Services Construction Education and Training Financial and Insurance Services Government Healthcare and Social Assistance Hospitality (Accommodation & Food Services) Information Media and Telecommunications Logistics Manufacturing Mining Personal Care Professional Services (inc Scientific and Technical Services) Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Retail Trade Utilities Wholesale Trade Other (please specify) Question Title What size is your organisation? Small to Medium (200 or less employees) Large (200 - 5,000 employees) Enterprise level (5,000+ employees) Please note this is an evidence based survey. Please contact us on if you would like further information. Question Title CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING THE SURVEYWOULD YOU LIKE A COMPLIMENTARY CARE PACKAGE TO HELP YOU CREATE A MORE COMPASSIONATE CULTURE?We truly believe that building a more compassionate culture as we emerge from the current challenges will build strong leaders and strong teams. We are committed to helping you find ways that strengthen you on your journey to the next normal.Just enter your name and email below and we’ll send you everything you need to start making this happen. Name Email Address DONE