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In response to the Area D Neighbourhood Plan the Community Advisory Council (CAC) invites you to create an official community response that includes all areas (Areas A, B, C, D) of the University Endowment Lands (UEL). The issues addressed in this survey were developed from a Ministerial Order (“A ministerial decree or ministerial order is a decree by a ministry.” The Ministerial Order at issue is with regards to the current Area D Neighbourhood Plan) that is waiting to be signed off.

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* 1. Are you a University Endowment Land (“UEL”) resident?

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* 2. In what type of dwelling do you currently reside?

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* 3. Do you currently rent or own?

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* 4. Were you aware that two lots -(Bernice Gerard House and the Lutheran Church referred to as lots 5 & 6 at the corner of Wesbrook Mall and University Boulevard) have been proposed for multi-family housing , social housing, student housing and rental?

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* 5. Are you in favor of maintaining Area A of the UEL as a Single Family neighbourhood?

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* 6. Several Policies found in the Area D Plan (page 34 of the Area D Neighbourhood Plan) advocate increasing building heights in Area D to up to 18 stories.  This is taller than any building currently in the UEL (although one is planned for Leləm̓).

Do you believe 18 stories is:

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* 7. The new Block F Plan is approved. It doubles the current population of the entire UEL area. What should the allowable increased density be in rezoning Area D given the current population of Area D is 2300 people?

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* 8. Did you respond to a petition circulated in the Community during January of 2020 regarding the protection of Rental Housing in the multi-family areas in Area D?

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* 9. We are in the midst of a global pandemic and a Provincial Election, but concerns or comments about the Area D Plan are due to the UEL by October 23, 2020 (it was released during the CAC's public meeting held in September 2020).  The existing bylaws of Area D currently allow for growth and flexibility.

Given the impact that Block F is having on the infrastructure and resources of the UEL, would you support the delay of the approved Area D Plan, and the signing of the Ministerial Order?

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* 10. Any additional comments?

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