Please share your thoughts about your experience at this year's Conference. Your responses will help improve our Conference in the years to come. Please submit your completed survey by Thursday, August 31, 2017.

Question Title

* 1. Please let us know about you:

Question Title

* 3. ATMs: Please rate the following on a scale of 5 - 1, with 5 = "Strongly agree" and 1 = "Strongly disagree".

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
1. I enhanced my knowledge.
2. I enhanced my skills.
3. I will be able to immediately put into practice what I learned.
4. Presenter(s) managed the ATM time well.
5. Presenter(s) sufficiently addressed the questions of the participants.
6. I would like to work with this/these presenter(s) in the future.
7. Overall I'd say this ATM was excellent.

Question Title

* 5. ATMs: Please rate the following on a scale of 5 - 1, with 5 = "Strongly agree" and 1 = "Strongly disagree".

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
1. I enhanced my knowledge.
2. I enhanced my skills.
3. I will be able to immediately put into practice what I learned.
4. Presenter(s) managed the ATM time well.
5. Presenter(s) sufficiently addressed the questions of the participants.
6. I would like to work with this/these presenter(s) in the future.
7. Overall I'd say this ATM was excellent.

Question Title

* 7. ATMs: Please rate the following on a scale of 5 - 1, with 5 = "Strongly agree" and 1 = "Strongly disagree".

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
1. I enhanced my knowledge.
2. I enhanced my skills.
3. I will be able to immediately put into practice what I learned.
4. Presenter(s) managed the ATM time well.
5. Presenter(s) sufficiently addressed the questions of the participants.
6. I would like to work with this/these presenter(s) in the future.
7. Overall I'd say this ATM was excellent.

Question Title

* 8. ATM: Please rate Moshe Feldenkrais's Sunday ATM Elementary 'Attempts in Loving Oneself' using the following scale of 5 - 1, with 5 = "Strongly agree" and 1 = "Strongly disagree".

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
1. I enhanced my knowledge.
2. I enhanced my skills.
3. I will be able to immediately put into practice what I learned.
4. Presenter(s) managed the ATM time well.
5. Presenter(s) sufficiently addressed the questions of the participants.
6. I would like to work with this/these presenter(s) in the future.
7. Overall I'd say this ATM was excellent.

Question Title

* 9. If you wish, please provide additional thoughts about your ATM experiences.