Question Title

* 1. How likely are you to replace your current ESP (email service provider) with a new age ESP that cleans and validates your email list in addition to sending email campaigns?

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* 2. Would you be interested in being a Beta customer of Mxmail (ESP that cleans and validates your email list) in addition to sending email campaigns?

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* 3. If MxMail (ESP powered by ZeroBounce) were available today, how likely would you be to evaluate/test MxMail?

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* 4. Tell us what features your current ESP has or what features are most important to you.

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* 5. As part of our selective 100 Beta testers, you'll receive 70% off MXMail's services for the first 3 months. Enter your contact information below, for a quick scheduled demo on MxMail and your 70% off coupon code.