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Fill in the form below to report eDocs Codes that do not align with the contents of their eDoc, and suggest recommendations for improvement. Each form field will have an example to help guide your response.

For reference, here is a list of all CSIO eDocs Codes.

Question Title

* 1. What is your email address? (In case we need to follow up.)

Question Title

* 2. Which broker management system (BMS) do you use?

Question Title

* 3. Please provide an eDoc Code that does not align with the contents of its eDoc. (Example: MEM - Electronic Memo)

Question Title

* 4. Please explain why the eDoc code in the BMS doesn’t align with the contents of its eDoc. (Example: The eDoc code contained billing details but is labeled "Memo".)

Question Title

* 5. Do you have a recommendation for a more appropriate eDoc Code than the one specified above? (Example: BRN - Billing Rejection Notice)

Question Title

* 6. Which insurer is the eDoc Code specified above from?

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any additional comments on the eDoc Code specified above?

Question Title

* 8. Would you like to report another ambiguous eDoc Code?

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