This is a survey for our Vogeltown community. Our Vogeltown Board of Trustees are after your feedback around the topic and contents of the health curriculum that we currently deliver at Vogeltown. We appreciate your feedback and responses.

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* 1. Children recognise and accept that people are different.

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* 2. Children know about grief, loss and disappointment.

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* 3. Children can identify feelings and express them accordingly.

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* 4. Children have strategies to use when responding to peer pressure.

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* 5. Children feel comfortable talking about bullying?

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* 6. Children can communicate effectively

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* 7. Children can use problem-solving skills?

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* 8. Children develop co-operation skills through playing games.

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* 9. Children learn how to be a leader who demonstrates fair play

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* 10. Children know what healthy eating is and how it affects their learning.

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* 11. Children are able to use class and playground rules respectfully.

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* 12. Children can use classroom and playground equipment appropriately.

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* 13. Children know how to adopt simple safety practices (e.g., in the sun, on the road and in the water)

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* 14. Children know about community agencies, the services they provide and the part they play in the wider community.

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* 15. Children understand their body's response when participating in vigorous exercise.

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* 16. Children understand changes they may experience during puberty

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* 17. Children know how to care for their body.

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* 18. Children engage in physical activity/exercise on a weekly basis