Please submit comments on the confidential Draft Protocol for the American Epilepsy Society (AES)/American Clinical Neurophysiology (ACNS) Intraoperative Electrocorticogrpahy (ioECoG) Guideline via this form.
If you have not already completed your confidentiality agreement and you wish to access the Draft Protocol, click here

For full consideration of your comments, please:
  • Reference specific page and/or line numbers, where appropriate, to ensure clarity
  • Complete all required fields on this form, even if you submit additional comments or supplemental files
  • Submit additional comments or supplemental files by email to 
The public comment period is open from Tuesday, September 5 - Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 11:59 PM CT.

Please note that in order to submit your comments, in this form you will be asked to:
  • Provide your name and organization name, if applicable
  • Disclose potential individual and organizational conflicts of interest related to guideline topics, if applicable

All input will be considered but may or may not be incorporated, at the discretion of the project co-leads.

Questions?  Please contact Joy Keller at email: or phone: 312-883-3800 x113

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your First and Last Name

Question Title

* 2. If you are commenting on behalf of an organization, please provide the Name of the Organization.
If your comments reflect your personal or individual professional perspectives only and not those of your organization, please enter "Not Applicable."

Question Title

* 3. Those submitting comments are asked to disclose financial and non-financial relationships held by an organization, individual, or immediate family member that may be -- or may be perceived as -- relevant to any topic(s) in the Draft Protocol.  That information may include:
  • Financial relationships such as employment, stock or options ownership, company ownership, consulting, speakers bureau, corporate research grants (especially those with direct payments or salary support), legal expert witness fees, royalties, etc.
  • Non-financial relationships such as government research grants, research programs, intellectual interests such as extensive publication or research related to a topic, leadership roles with stakeholder or other related organizations, etc.
Please note:
All comments will be considered regardless of disclosures, although incorporation of input is at the discretion of the project Co-Leads.

Public comment reviewers may also consult publicly available sources of disclosure information.