PEN International has received funding from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) to study the extent to which PEN International programmes and structures are sensitive to the needs of men and women writers (gender sensitive) and provide PEN International with opportunities and a plan for improvement. The objectives of the study, which is being conducted by Consulting Matrix, are to use a gender lens to identify:
  • The challenges and barriers to freedom of expression experienced by women writers in regions around the world;
  • How to support individual women writers; and
  • How to address the structural barriers faced by women.
This survey is the first step. We are gathering numerical information so that PEN’s members and leaders will be able to describe and understand where the organization is in 2016. Do we attract both women and men to be members? Are both women and men elected to Boards?

We will shortly distribute a second survey to selected Centres and others who may wish to participate. The second survey will gather qualitative information about the work that we do and help us to explore ideas for the future.

Your cooperation in completing this survey is very much appreciated. The results will be shared at Congress.

All individual responses will be kept strictly confidential, with no identification of any individuals to sources outside of PEN International or Consulting Matrix. Results, analysis, and reporting will be done with no individual names or identities being published or disclosed.

During this survey, you will be asked questions about your members, volunteers, and staff, and their gender and age. You may wish to have this information ready ahead of time.

Should you have any questions about this survey or the Gender Study in general, please contact PEN International.

Thank you.