This form is to submit questions for consideration to be posed of candidates participating in the LWVBWC Election Forums of Fall 2020. You may submit multiple questions, however, please send each one on a separate form. A question you submit may be combined with a similar one in order to reduce redundancy. You will not receive confirmation that your question was received.

If you have a logistical or other question about the forums please let us know in the space provided at the end of this form.

Question Title

* 1. To which race(s) is your question directed? (select one or more)

Question Title

* 2. Please state your question:

Question Title

* 3. Please provide your name and email address. This is NOT required to submit a question, however, it does help us filter out insincere questions and allows us to contact you should we have any questions. This will not be used for any other purpose and will remain confidential.

Question Title

* 4. Any logistical or other questions about this General Election Forum? Please let us know here: