
Welcome to the annual licensees survey, where the industry has an opportunity to feedback on the "workability" of the regulations and compliance aspects of the licencing regime.
The Survey will summarise useful data for the iHemp industry in New Zealand and help shape the future efforts of the NZHIA.
If you are uncomfortable sharing any information, please select n/a or leave blank. You can skip any question, and come back to the unanswered questions at the end of the survey.
Processors cover all activities not related to growing, these include labs, iHemp processing and R&D facilities.
The survey is broken down into 6 sections, the more information you share the more we can inform the industry.

By completing this survey, you will get access to the prototype "Hemp Licencing Application Tool", an app being designed on behalf of the NZHIA by Webtools Agri, using funding from the Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund.

You will get free access to the prototype tool this season, to help with your annual returns and you can be involved in the testing and further development of the 2021 version of the app.

SECTION 1: Getting started
Some information about you as a licenced farmer or processor

SECTION 2: Licence Information
This is where you load your licence details 

SECTION 3: Activities and information on growing and processing with a General - Grower licence

SECTION 4: General 
What are the pain points about the application and regulatory process

SECTION 5: Application and renewal process
Your experiences of the process

SECTION 6: Dealing with the Ministry of Health
Your experiences and feedback about the MOH

Please feel to add comments where ever you see the + icon.
8% of survey complete.