Question Title

* 1. To start, please enter the name of your school/organization and program (e.g. University of Miami - MBA Program)

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* 2. Please indicate your role/position

Question Title

* 3. Were you aware of the equipment leasing and finance industry prior to the presentation?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the industry presentation using the following scale

  Strongly Agree Agree Slightly Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Slightly Strongly Disagree
The topics discussed were interesting to me
The topics discussed were relevant to me
I have previously considered or pursued a career in the equipment leasing and finance industry
As a result of attending this lecture, I am interested in considering a career in the equipment leasing and finance industry
All of my questions about equipment leasing and finance were answered by the presenter

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* 5. What did you like most about the presentation?

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* 6. What did you like least about the presentation?

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* 7. Is there anything you would change to improve the presentation in the future?

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* 8. Please list any remaining questions unanswered by the presenter. Note: If you would like a response, please include your contact information at the end of this survey.

Question Title

* 9. Short description of information you would like to receive.