Overview: Over the past several years, the National Health Council has developed innovative research and programs tools to promote patient engagement, patient centricity, and advance patient-centered health policy. As a valued member, the NHC and the Research and Programs Board committee is assessing the success of the various research and programs tool and how they have helped promote the work of your individual organization to inform patient-centered health policy, patient engagement, and patient centricity.

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* 1. Name of Member Organization

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* 2. The NHC has developed a series of tools and resources dedicated to raising awareness on patient engagement and patient centricity. Please indicate how useful you have found any of the listed tools and resources below.

  Not useful Somewhat useful Highly useful Transformative N/A
Patient Experience Mapping Toolbox
Patient Compensation Toolkit (Fair Market Value Calculator)
Value Classroom
Real-World Evidence Classroom
Digital Health Webinar Series
Health Literacy Webinar Series
Patient-Focused Medical Product Webinar Series

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* 3. From your selection above, please describe how you or your organizations have used the NHC research and programs tools and resources? Fill in blank.

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* 4. What suggestions do you have to improve our research and programs tools and resources? Fill in blank.

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* 5. Do we have permission to quote you and/or your organization given your responses above?

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* 6. If yes to the above question, please enter your contact information below.