Question Title

* 1. What is your role at LUMC?

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* 2. Why did you visit LUMC for the first time?

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* 3. What influenced your decision to formally join LUMC or not?

Question Title

* 4. How welcoming do you think LUMC is to visitors?

0 Not at all welcoming 50 Somewhat welcoming 100 Very welcoming
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 5. How could LUMC's facilities be improved, if at all, to be welcoming and useful to the church family and community?

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* 6. Describe what you define LUMC's community to be?

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* 7. How well do you feel LUMC communicates with its  community?

0 Communicates poorly 50 Communicates occasionally 100 Communicates very well
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 8. How could LUMC more effectively reach out to specific community groups, if at all?

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* 9. What LUMC programs are most relevant to the community you perceive it to serve?

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* 10. Have you invited anyone to an LUMC service or activity in the last two years?

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* 11. What types of services or activities do you believe are most conducive to inviting guests?

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* 12. Describe how you believe LUMC should be perceived by the community?

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* 13. Do you believe that the community's perception of LUMC is what you would like for it to be?

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* 14. Please add any additional thoughts that you would like to contribute.