RSVP for April 18th:

Bioentrepreneurship Networking

Health Sciences Research Building (HSRB-II)
6th floor, Room N600
April 18th at 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Atlanta, GA

Join Dr. Lucienne Ide for a discussion of lessons learned and some of the highs and lows of digital health entrepreneurship. Dr. Ide is currently the founder and CEO of Rimidi, a digital health company focused on improving outcomes in chronic disease management. Dr. Ide’s career journey has moved from physics to venture capital to physician scientist (Emory MD/PhD 2009) to entrepreneur. Come gain valuable knowledge from her lessons learned, and food will be provided to attendees.
1.Will you be attending this event?(Required.)
2.What is your role?(Required.)
3.What is your first name?(Required.)
4.What is your last name?(Required.)
5.What is your email address?(Required.)