TXHC-Signs and Symptoms of Stroke & Heart Attack 2020 Question Title * 1. Please check where you live: Bloomington (Zip code: 77951) Inez (Zip code: 77968) McFadden (Zip code: 77973) Nursery (Zip code: 77976 Placedo (Zip code: 77977 Telferner (Zip code: 77988) Victoria (Zip code: 77901) Victoria (Zip code: 77902) Victoria (Zip code: 77904) Victoria (Zip code: 77905) Question Title * 2. How many people are in your household? 1-2 3-4 5+ Question Title * 3. How many children (if any) are in:*Enter a number in the field (use 0 if none) Pre-K (0-4) Elementary School (K-5th) Middle School (6th-8th) High School (9th-12th) None Question Title * 4. What is your annual household income? Less than $10,000 $10,000-$19,999 $20,000-$29,999 $30,000-$39,999 $40,000-$49,999 $50,000-$59,999 Over $60,000 Question Title * 5. How often do you see your family doctor? 1x year physical and lab work 2x year physical and lab work Only when needed for seasonal illnesses None Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Do you or anyone in your household have heart disease? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 7. Do you or anyone in your household have high blood pressure? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 8. Do you or anyone in your household have high cholesterol? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 9. Do you or anyone in your household have diabetes? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 10. Which of the following are factors in causes of stroke and/or heart attack? (check all that apply) Diabetes High Cholesterol Gout High blood pressure Arthritis Heart disease Back pain Acid reflux Question Title * 11. Do you know the signs of a stroke? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 12. Which of the following are signs of a stroke? (check all that apply) Numbness or weakness on one side of the body Confusion Trouble speaking Diarrhea Lack of coordination Leg cramps Loss of balance Trouble seeing in one or both eyes All of the above Question Title * 13. Do you know what F.A.S.T (the key for stroke) stands for? Yes (Please list answer below) No Don't know Answer: Question Title * 14. Do you know the signs of a heart attack? Yes No Don't know Question Title * 15. Which of the following are signs of a heart attack? (check all that apply) Chest pain or discomfort Shortness of breath Diarrhea Discomfort or pain in arm or shoulder Leg cramps Nausea Lightheadedness Cold sweat All of the above Done