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Data from this survey along with other information regarding providers and services across the state will be compiled to evaluate the training and technical assistance needs of Long-Term Support Service (LTSS) providers in Iowa. This survey is intended for LTSS providers, stakeholders, individuals served, and guardians that wish to have a say in what Direct Support Professional training needs exist across the state. This survey is anonymous and a summary of the results may be shared publicly. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. This survey will remain open through July 20, 2022.

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* 1. Which item describes you best?

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* 2. If you are from an agency or are a provider, please indicate from the list below what services you provide (check all that apply):

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* 3. What county are you (the person completing the survey) working in?

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* 4. How valuable would you find additional free training provided from the state at this time?

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* 5. Based on your experience and needs, please list the training topics you would most like to see offered by the state. Please be a specific as possible with your topic ideas.

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* 6. Are there areas of expertise that you wish you/your agency/or those who work for you/serve your clients could access as-needed either through training or technical assistance? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. Please use this text box to expand on any details of needs in the topics you marked above.

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* 8. For agencies: Do you have an internal quality improvement plan and process for assuring quality care is provided to those you serve?

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* 9. Please indicate here if you have expertise you would like to share across the state (Name of individual, area of expertise, and contract information).

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* 10. Please indicate here if you would like to host a training in your agency space:

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* 11. Have you attended an Iowa Medicaid Competency-Based Training in the past?

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* 12. What time of day would you prefer for training if the topic is targeted for direct support professionals?

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* 13. What time of day would you prefer for training if the topic is targeted at agency operations (policy development, quality oversight, governing body development, etc.)?

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* 14. What delivery method would you prefer for training?

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* 15. Please indicate how valuable you would find the following training topic areas:

  Not at all valuable Not so valuable Somewhat valuable Very valuable Extremely valuable Does not apply to me
Organizational Development (Policy, procedure, board development, administration)
Training and Personnel requirements
HCBS Settings for Non-Residential Services
HCBS Settings for Residential Services
Restraint, Restriction, Behavioral Intervention
Service Documentation
Person-Centered Planning
Incident Reporting
Medication - Storage and administration
Quality Improvement and Assurance
Employment Services
Respite Services
Level of Care
Introduction to Waiver Services
Behavior Supports
Providing Direct Support for Individuals with Various Abilities
Support Skills and Interventions that DSPs can use in services
Professionalism and Ethics
Community Inclusion
Crisis Prevention and Intervention
Health and Wellness
Cultural Competency, Cultural Humility, and Diversity
Mental Health (diagnoses, interventions, communication, and wellness)
Individual Member Support Needs
0 of 15 answered