Survey Introduction

Thank you for your interest in helping ensure that the voice of individuals living with lupus is heard by the pharmaceutical industry as potential new treatments are developed and tested.   The purpose of the following survey is to create a database of people living with lupus who are interested in being contacted to participate in advisory opportunities as they arise.  Some of the questions that we are asking are personal in nature.  We are asking these survey questions to help match you to appropriate activities and to ensure that selected participants represent the diversity of people with lupus. 

All information is collected via a HIPAA compliant survey tool.  We will not share your name until we have spoken with you and confirmed that you would like to participate in a specific opportunity. 

By answering this survey, you are helping ensure that the voice and preferences of individuals living with lupus are heard and taken into consideration in lupus drug development. 

This survey is for individuals 18 and older living with lupus.  If you are a parent or caregiver of someone living with lupus, we will be seeking input from this group in the future and if you would like to be contacted when we do this, please email me at 
9% of survey complete.