Exit this survey Post Shutdown Survey Question Title * 1. Which of the following describes the size of your company? Small Large Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which of the following industries is your company involved in the government market? Check all that apply. Fall/Winter Supplies & Services Disaster Relief Hospitality, Cleaning & Chemicals Laboratory, Scientific & Medical Office Solutions Wildland Fire & Equipment Security Solutions Tools, Hardware & Machinery Vehicles & Watercraft Building & Industrial Furniture & Furnishings IT Solutions & Electronics Law Enforcement, Fire & Security Recreation & Apparel Services Travel & Transportation Solutions Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Did your company receive stop work orders from the Federal government? Yes No Not sure Comments: Question Title * 4. Did your company experience delays in payment as a result of the government shutdown? Yes No Not sure Comments: Question Title * 5. Did Federal agencies that your company does business with notify contractors about what to expect during the shutdown? Yes No Not sure If yes, was this guidance helpful? Question Title * 6. Did your company speak with an agency contracting officer about the impact of the government shutdown on your specific contract? Yes No Not sure If yes, what agencies did you speak with? Question Title * 7. Did your company furlough employees during the government shutdown? Yes No Not sure Comments: Question Title * 8. Did your company lose revenue because of the shutdown? If so, what is the approximate amount? Question Title * 9. Did the shutdown have any other negative impacts on your company’s government business? Yes No Not sure If yes, please explain: Question Title * 10. If a government shutdown were to occur again, what contracting information would be helpful to receive from the government in advance? Please specify the relevant agency or agencies in your response (e.g. GSA). Done