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* 1. Next year, CPR will celebrate 20 years of fun and competition, would you be interested in coming to NYC for some festivities?

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* 2. Unlike the 10th and 15th, where we held the anniversary celebrations in Feb around the actual date,we are thinking of pushing it 'til March 9th, to get a little better weather, but the season will likely not have started yet - would this help?

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* 3. Would you rather have the weekend festivities in season, to allow you to see a game, but which would likely dampen Saturday night shenanigans?

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* 4. Would you rather have the anniversary weekend over the summer - better weather, no games, but may have other cross impacts such as beach houses etc?

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* 5. Would you be interested in an alumni game, something where we have had some prior challenges with (weather, hotel alarm clocks, defending former NFL running backs, etc.)?

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* 6. Would you be interested in a foot golf outing in NJ with a charter bus?

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* 7. Would you be interested in a fancy dinner, like we did at Del Posto for the 10th, or should we just keep it casual?

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* 8. Any special tips for scheduling us that you would like to share - these can be specific to your schedules?

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* 9. What suggestions for events do you have for us to consider?

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* 10. Do you have any special connections, hook-ups, or expertise that may help with planning and executing the event to make it better for all?