The Iowa Valley Community College District Board of Directors seeks your input in the search for the next president of IVCCD. Below are the President's characteristics identified during the FY19 search process. You are encouraged to share your level of agreement with these characteristics and/or suggestions for other characteristics for the next president. You are also asked to indicate if you would like to be considered to serve on the Search Committee. Thank you.

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* 1. These personal characteristics were identified in the FY19 President Search: 
·       Excellent communicator and listener
·       Innovative, visionary, and curious
·       Integrity, honesty, trustworthy, genuine, respectful
·       Transparent and approachable
·       Passionate and enthusiastic
·       Flexible and adaptable
·       Consensus builder
Please rate your level of agreement with these characteristics and list possible changes to these personal characteristics in the Comments field.

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* 2. These professional characteristics were identified in the FY19 President Search:
·       Enhancing a learner centered environment in an age of declining enrollment
·       Demonstrated experience with accreditation and student assessment
·       Demonstrated experience building partnerships with business and industry throughout the district
·       Collaboration with all sectors of education (K12, state agencies, regents, private, etc.)
·       Data driven decision maker
·       Experience with strategic program evaluation and development
·       Understanding of the unique nature of the district and the district’s governance model
·       Understanding of and appreciation for diverse populations, diverse campuses, and their needs
·       Legislative acumen
·       Fundraiser and friendraiser
·       Empowering leader with accountability focus
·       Expertise in change management and conflict resolution
·       Commitment to community involvement in all communities in the district
Please rate your level of agreement with these professional characteristics and list possible changes to these characteristics in the Comments field:

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* 3. What should be the primary focus areas of the new President for moving the District forward?

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* 4. Please indicate if you are a faculty, non-faculty, student or community member.

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* 5. If you are interested in being considered as a member of the Search Committee, please provide your information below: