Question Title

* 1. How did we do?

  YES, definitely Yes, I think so No, I don't think so NO, definitely not
I feel respected by staff
Staff showed concern for me
Staff listened to me
Staff helped me feel welcome
Overall, services received today helped me
I would come again if I need help

Question Title

* 2. Since being here today ...

  YES, definitely Yes, I think so No, I don't think so NO definitely not Does not apply to me
I feel better about myself
I learned new skills to help live independently
I learned about housing options
I learned how to look for and apply for jobs
I learned about educational opportunities
I feel i know more about community resources
I have been helped to access resources
I now know more about the justice/legal process and the options available to me

Question Title

* 3. Since being here ...

  YES, definitely Yes, I think so No, I don't think so NO definitely not
I feel more hopeful about the future
I feel that I will achieve the goals I set for myself
I am more confident in my decision-making
I believe I will be able to live independently
I would send a friend or family member here for help if needed

Question Title

* 4. Since being here ...

  YES, definitely Yes, I think so No, I don't think so NO definitely not
I now have a better understanding that domestic / sexual violence is not my fault
I know the red-flag warning signs
I learned ways to increase my safety
I learned ways to increase the safety of my family

Question Title

* 5. Which location

Question Title

* 6. Please share with us any other comments and suggestions: