The Philosophy A/T/M  course is being redeveloped under the Humanities and Social Sciences Framework. It is also being redeveloped so that each unit will conceptually distinct and that teachers will be free to design their own program of learning.

The draft Shape Paper provides the parameters for the course writing process. This includes the course structure, rationale and direction for the course developers in renewing the course. As such, the feedback provided through this survey on the Shape Paper will be used in redeveloping the course. All constructive advice will be carefully considered by the developers. 

The Shape Paper is not the course document. It does not include the specific content to be included in each unit. This level of detail will be found in the course document, which will be released for public consultation after it is developed. More specific domains of study will be outlined in the programs of learning developed by schools using that course document. 

The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide teachers an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Shape Paper for the renewal of the BSSS Philosophy A/T/M course. 

You may provide feedback on the following:
• Background
• Proposed Aims
• Proposed Course Structure
• Proposed Unit Descriptions
• Considerations

Each section of the questionnaire requires responses on a rating scale to key statements with an opportunity to include comments that focus on suggestions for improvement.