Kopan Dental Clinic
This is a modern, very well appointed “western” dental clinic. It has many of the features of a modern Australian dental clinic. Conditions are excellent, and you are close to the big city and its amenities.

You need to have a mindset of caring and sharing with your fellow workers, be culturally sensitive and compassionate, and be able to manage yourself in different working situations than perhaps you would experience at home.

It's a very rewarding and worthwhile volunteering experience.

Chialsa Dental Project
Volunteering at Chialsa is great fun. It is a VERY demanding trip and it will challenge you in many, many ways!

The travel to and from Kathmandu is tiring and needs patience, resilience and strength of character.

This particular volunteering experience demands of you, tolerance, cultural sensitivity, the ability to adapt to new and unusual situations, both dentally and in the living conditions.

It is NOT for everyone.

You need to be a team player and have a great deal of care for your fellow volunteers.

Question Title

* 1. What is your full name (christian name first) ?

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* 2. What is the address where you currently live?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 5. Please select your profession

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* 6. List your relevant qualifications and where are you currently working?

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* 7. Which clinic site would you like to volunteer for?

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* 8. Which year would you like to volunteer for?

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* 9. Why you are interested in volunteering and how did you hear about Project Yeti ? 

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* 10. Have you volunteered in a project before ?