Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a term that applies to schools and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation. Illinois high school and area career center programs span many different careers such as automotive technology, construction, agriculture, architecture, culinary arts, engineering, healthcare, robotics or veterinary medicine.
Your personal information will not be shared for purposes outside of this survey.

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* 1. Counties where your employees live

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* 2. Which program area closest aligns to your business or organization?

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* 3. How well do the capabilities of recent high school graduates match your needs as an employer?

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* 4. Share the barriers to education and industry partnering on career and technical education initiatives. Please check all that apply

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* 5. Career and technical education programs are designed to provide quality experiences for students through the use of partnerships. Please share your thoughts on the level of accomplishment of the education and industry partnerships in your region.

There is a formal structure to the partnership, such as advisory board, business round table, career pathway committee
Partners include a range of stakeholders including educators, industry, community, and workforce  development
Partners review curriculum, technical, academic and employability skills being taught
Partners validate industry credentials that are being taught
Partners share position and skills needs
Partners provide work based learning experiences for students, such as job shadowing,  internships, field trips, career speakers, project advisors, skill judges
Partners validate equipment, facilities, to make sure they are consistent with industry standards

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* 6. Prioritize what high school students should gain from their participation in CTE programs.

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* 7. Please share any other skill or experience that a student should gain from their participation in career and technical education programs.

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* 8. Essential Employability Skills are general skills that are required to be successful in all sectors of the labor market and are separate from the technical skills and academic skills such as math and reading. The State of Illinois created a framework that addresses these high priority skills identified by employers all across the state. Please prioritize the four Essential Employability Skill components as it relates to your business or organization.

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* 9. Please share any other Essential Employability Skills that is of importance to your business or organization that is not listed above

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* 10. What specific academic skills are high priority for your business or organization?

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* 11. What specific technical skills or certifications are high priority for your business or organization?

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* 12. Identify your current job position(s) of greatest need and the level of training and/or certifications that are preferred for this position.

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* 13. Identify your future job position of greatest need and the level of training and/or certifications that will be preferred for this position

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* 14. Do you currently serve on an educational advisory board? (CTEC, CEO, ECCEL, LLC College Advisories, etc.)

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* 15. Please share your contact information.

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* 16. May we contact you in the future to be a business partner for local high schools?