MBP members: Thank you for completing this survey! Your feedback is valuable to MBP in advance of a debate and vote on a resolution related to moving to implement mandatory livestock inspection in Manitoba. This debate and vote will take place at MBP’s 46th AGM on the afternoon February 20, 2025 at the Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre at 1808 Wellington Avenue in Winnipeg.

To register for the AGM, go to:

For more information about livestock inspection services and what they entail, review our frequently asked questions document:

To see the proposed resolution for debate, go to:

Question Title

* 1. Your district # or your municipality’s name if not sure of district #:

Question Title

* 2. Do you currently use livestock inspection services?

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* 3. What form of cattle Identification do you use? Check all that apply.

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* 4. Do you see value in expanded and mandatory livestock services in Manitoba, such as deterring livestock-related crimes, as well as the potential for other value-added services associated with it?

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* 5. If not supportive of expanded, mandatory livestock inspection services, what are your primary concerns? Check all that apply.