Welcome and thank you! You are invited to participate in this survey which will contribute to an understanding of the economic impact of bicycle-related tourism in Maine. Your participation is voluntary.

Informed Consent: This is a 10-minute survey designed by the Bicycle Coalition of Maine, (the Coalition), and Bowdoin College.

The purpose of this survey is to collect economic information from bicycle tourists in Maine. We will ask questions about your time and spending while in Maine. We hope to use the results of this survey to promote better legislative and policy support for bicycling in Maine, including bicycle tourism. The Bowdoin College student involved in this study, Brooke Goddard, may use the results for educational purposes. There are minimal risks involved in doing this survey. You may choose to not participate in this survey or to withdraw at any time.

Confidentiality: Your responses will be kept in strict confidence. Only the Coalition staff and the research team will have access to the information you provide. Emails of the participants, if provided, and other identifying information will be stored separately from survey results, and answers will be encrypted and stored on a secure computer. Neither the Coalition nor Bowdoin College will share or correlate any identifying information of participants with data provided from this survey.

Researcher Information: The researchers conducting this study are Nancy Grant, Executive Director of the Bicycle Coalition of Maine (nancy@bikemaine.org), and Brooke Goddard, Bowdoin '16 (grace@bikemaine.org). If you have any questions or concerns about this survey and the uses of your responses, please contact the researchers, Sam Putnam (sputnam@bowdoin.edu), the chair of Bowdoin’s Institutional Review Board, or Eileen Johnson (ejohnson@bowdoin.edu), Bowdoin faculty advisor for this project.

I understand the above description of this study and the risks and benefits associated with my participation. I understand and agree to the Coalition and Bowdoin College’s terms regarding the confidential use of my responses.

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* 1. Please provide the zip code or postal code for your primary residence. If you are not a resident of the U.S. or Canada, please enter your country of residence.

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* 2. Please indicate your highest level of education completed.

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* 3. Please indicate your annual household income.

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* 4. What region in Maine is your primary destination?

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* 5. Is this your first vacation in Maine, or are you a repeat vacationer in Maine?

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* 6. How many other people are on this trip with you?

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* 7. Is bicycling a purpose of your trip?

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* 8. How would you describe yourself as a bicyclist?

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* 9. Check the types of bicycles you have with you on this trip. Select all that apply.

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* 10. Are any of those bikes rented?

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* 11. What bicycle related activities are you doing in Maine on this trip? Please check all that apply.

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* 12. Did you come on this Maine vacation so that you could participate in an organized bicycling event, e.g., bike race, triathlon, one-day bike event, BikeMaine 7-day ride?

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* 13. What resources did you use to plan your bicycling activities in Maine? Please check all that apply.

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* 14. When you bicycle on a vacation, how often do you seek out separated or protected bicycle infrastructure, e.g., bike lanes, multi-use paths, bike trails, etc.?

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* 15. How important is the bikability/bike-friendliness* of a place when choosing your vacation destination? * Bike-friendliness includes: safety; bike-friendly infrastructure; condition of roads; ease of navigation; driver attitudes; and, hospitality business attitudes

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* 16. In your opinion, what is the best thing about bicycling in Maine?

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* 17. In your opinion, what is the worst thing about bicycling in Maine?

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* 18. How long is your trip in Maine?

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* 19. Which type of accommodations are you staying in on your trip?

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* 20. How many nights will you spend in paid lodging in Maine on this trip?

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* 21. Please estimate the amount of money you have budgeted to spend in Maine TOTAL related to this trip. Please exclude the dollar symbol and round to the nearest $10.

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* 22. Do you intend to return to any of the communities you are visiting on this trip?

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* 23. This survey is part of an ongoing study of the economic impact of bicycling in Maine. May we have your email for a few potential follow-up questions?

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* 24. Anything else?

Thank you for your participation in our survey!