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Community and stakeholder survey


The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is undertaking a Catchment Action Plan for the Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment. Water Technology has been engaged to assist with this project which is part of the Victorian Government’s Our Catchments Our Communities program in North East Victoria.

The Upper Mitta Mitta River system includes the Big River and Cobungra River (which join at Anglers Rest to form the Mitta Mitta River), the Bundara River, the Victoria River, Livingstone Creek, Morass Creek and tributaries. The catchment includes these waterways, as well as the land around them. It includes the Alpine National Park, forests and agricultural land, particularly around the urban areas of Omeo and Benambra. It also supports a high level of recreational usage from the non-resident tourist and fishing community.

The Catchment Action Plan will inform future natural resource management investment in the catchment. The project is lead by a local Steering Committee consisting of representatives from the community, businesses, industry and government agencies. The project will have a strong emphasis on community consultation to ensure management priorities are appropriate and developed by the project stakeholders and the community.

The project will:

- Identify key environmental, social, cultural and economic values, and threats to these values, within the catchment, and

- Develop a prioritised set of environmental improvement actions to benefit the Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment.

This survey

This survey has been developed to collect information from the community and stakeholders about the values and threats in the catchment. It consists of 14 questions and should take less than ten minutes to complete.

There will also be an opportunity to discuss values, threats and natural resource management options for the catchment at community workshops in Omeo and Benambra in February and March 2019. For more information please contact:

Hayley Hollis (Benambra Dinner Plain Omeo Landcare Group Local Projects Facilitator) 0423 505 620,

Jo Slijkerman (Water Technology Project Manager) 03 5721 2650

Samuel Gitahi (NECMA Project Manager) 02 6071 6095 

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Organisation (if applicable)

Question Title

* 3. Email address

Question Title

* 4. Postal address (if this is your preferred method of contact)

Question Title

* 5. Telephone number

Question Title

* 6. I am participating in this survey as a

Question Title

* 7. The landscape I live in is:

Question Title

* 8. What are the greatest values of the Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment?

Please enter your top five below, where 1 = greatest value.

Examples of values might be native flora, fauna, geomorphology, aesthetics, recreation, agricultural productivity, tourism or any other value. Please include specific details below.

Question Title

* 9. Are there any threats to these values?

If so, please list them below (and specify if they apply to one of your values above).

Examples of threats might be exotic flora such as Broom, exotic fauna such as deer, bed and bank erosion, stock access and grazing, recreational pressure, climate change or any other threat

Question Title

* 10. Are there any other values, threats to, or issues related to natural resources  in the Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment that you'd particularly like to mention?

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* 11. How would you like to be involved in the rest of the project?

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* 12. Do you know of any other projects which may align with the Upper Mitta Mitta River Catchment Action Plan (i.e. opportunities to work together to implement actions in the plan)?

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* 13. Would you like to be involved in future planning and management of the Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment?

Question Title

* 14. What is the best way to contact you in future? (Please ensure you have included contact details in questions 1-5.)

Question Title

* 15. Do the values, threats and issues you have identified apply to specific site/s?

Are you able to map them?

If so, please click on the link provided in the email with this survey.

Thank you for completing this survey.

Your responses will feed into the development of natural resource management options for the Upper Mitta Mitta River catchment.

There will also be an opportunity to discuss values, threats and management options at community workshops in Omeo and Benambra in February and March 2019. For more information please contact:

Hayley Hollis (Benambra Dinner Plain Omeo Landcare Group Local Projects Facilitator) 0423 505 620,

Jo Slijkerman (Water Technology Project Manager) 03 5721 2650

Samuel Gitahi (NECMA Project Manager) 02 6071 6095
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