Plummer Additional - Recreation Survey

Please note that all responses will be kept anonymous. We thank-you for taking the time to complete this survey!

Your responses greatly will assist the Township in planning future recreation programs and events.
1.What is your age demographic?
2.How many people currently live in your household?
3.Do you or members of your family have access to reliable internet and a computer/tablet?
4.Would you or members of your family be interested in attending virtual township recreational events?
5.Do you have children/dependents residing in your home under the age of 18? If so, how many?
6.What age groups do your children fall under?
7.Would you or members of your family be interested in attending a large annual community event, made available to all members of the community?
8.What would be the best month(s) to host an annual community event? Select up to 3 of the months below.
9.If you have children between the ages of 7-16, would you be interested in sending your children to Township summer sports camp?
10.Select all of the Recreational Events which you or members of your family would be interested participating in: