Helping to shape future development needs

SCVO would like to canvass your views around your current use of digital technology to support the effective delivery of your organisation's aims.

Digital technology can mean many things to different people. For the context of this survey, we are specifically looking at 5 key areas for the Voluntary Sector - promotion, fundraising, service delivery, evaluation and information security.

The results of this survey will help us identify if there is a need to hold workshops or briefing sessions around any of the areas. Although SCVO may share findings from this survey, the detail of individual responses will not be shared.

If you've any questions about the survey please contact Leona Bird - 0121 525 1127 or e-mail -


Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Organisation

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* 3. Phone/E-mail address

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* 4. How often do you use digital tools to PROMOTE your organisation's services/activities?

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* 5. What digital tools do you currently use? (eg, Facebook, Twitter, Website, etc...)

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* 6. What prevents you from using  digital promotional tools, or limits your usage? (eg, resources, knowledge, time, etc..)

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* 7. How often do you use digital tools to help RAISE FUNDING for your organisation?

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* 8. What tools do you currently use? (eg, GoFundMe, Local Giving, etc...)

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* 9. What prevents you from using digital tools to fundraise, or limits your usage? (eg, resources, knowledge, time, etc...)

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* 10. How often do you use digital tools to directly OFFER SUPPORT to your beneficiaries?

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* 11. What digital tools do you currently use? (eg, website resources, self help guides, etc...)

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* 12. What prevents you from using digital tools to offer support, or limits your usage? (eg, resources, knowledge, time, etc...)

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* 13. How often do you use digital tools to EVALUATE the effectiveness of your services/activities (eg recording work, tracking outcomes, assessing long-term impact)?

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* 14. What digital tools do you currently use? (eg, Excel, Upshot, Charitylog, etc...)

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* 15. What prevents you from using digital tools to evaluate your services, or limits your usage? (eg, knowledge, resources, time, etc...)

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* 16. How confident are you in protecting your organisation from online threats? (eg, financial scams, phishing, hacking of websites, loss of data, information breach)

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* 17. What would help you to feel more confident and able to protect your organisation from online threats?

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* 18. If you are successfully using a digital tool in any of the above areas, could we contact you about sharing your knowledge with others?