MassMobility is a statewide initiative based out of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services with support from MassDOT. We support organizations that are working to improve mobility for older adults, people with disabilities, low-income commuters, and others who lack access to transportation.

In order to help organizations think about creative ways to fund their community transportation initiatives, we are compiling a list of the funding mechanisms utilized for mobility and transportation projects in Massachusetts. Many of you are doing innovative things. Please fill out this short survey to help us identify funding streams that can be used to increase mobility - whether it’s to cover the cost of van operations, subsidize consumer rides, contract for transportation services, purchase a vehicle, or another expense related to community transportation. We will disseminate the effective practices that emerge from this survey, but will not share any information confidential to your organization without your permission. 

You can visit our webpage on funding community transportation here: If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me by emailing or calling (617) 689-8784. Thank you for your time! 

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* 1. Please provide contact information for your program.

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* 2. Please describe your organization. Check all that apply.

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* 3. How do you identify possible funding opportunities? Please share any databases, listservs, or strategies that you find helpful.

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* 4. Outside of funding from MassDOT, what funding sources have you used to pay for expenses related to transportation for older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, or low-income commuters? Please describe funding streams from federal and state agencies, local or municipal sources, foundations, donors, and any other sources you have used.

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* 5. For grants requiring a local match, what types of funding sources or in-kind goods or services have you leveraged?

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* 6. In applications for funding, do you apply with partners:

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* 7. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey! Please use this comment box for any further funding-related questions or comments you would like to share, as well as any advice for other organizations looking for funding for community transportation.