Floyd Australia is Passionate about Precision, and we are committed
to improve our operations, products, and services provided to you.
Therefore we are kindly asking you to answer just 10 Questions in this Customer Feedback Questionnaire

Question Title

1. Which of the following best describes the industry you primarily supply?

Question Title

2. Are your typical customers End Users, Resellers, Maintenance Personnel, Organisations or Distributor?

Question Title

3. Is your product or service typically used by the same customer only once or multiple times?

Question Title

4. If Multiple, How often would a single customer require your services?

Question Title

5. How often does your Company:

  Regularly Sometimes Rarely Only if Stipulated 1st Time Never
Require Product/Services that Floyd Australia Offer?
Purchase from Floyd Australia?
Purchase Similar Product/Services from a Competitive Company?

Question Title

6. Compared to our competitors, How would you rate Floyd Australia on:

  A Lot Better Slightly Better About the Same Not as Good Don't Know
Product Quality
Product Range
Customer Service
Delivery Times

Question Title

7. What are your top 5 factors in deciding to purchase Product/Services offered by Floyd Australia?

  Top Priority Very Important Somewhat Important Of Significance Factored
Customer Service
Product Customisation

Question Title

8. Who would you use as an alternative supplier if Floyd Australia Pty Ltd were no longer available?

Question Title

9. Floyd Australia are Passionate about Precision, and are committed to continuously improve their operations, products and services provided to you. Do you have any suggestions/comments/feedback that you would like to include?

Question Title

10. If you would you like to disclose your details, Please enter your Name and Company details here