Spring 2024 Title I/Parent Involvement Survey

2022-23 Parent Involvement Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian,
As the parent/guardian of a child attending Stewart County Schools, you are an important part of the team. Your input is vital in the planning and implementation of the parent involvement program and school activities. The following survey is confidential and will be used to assist with future planning for parent involvement activities and events. We appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 
1.Where does your child attend school? check all that apply
2.Did you attend a meeting this school year where the goals and activities of the school were discussed with parents?
3.What would help you participate more in decision-making and the overall academic achievement in your child's school?
4.Have you been given opportunities to provide input into school decisions?
5.How well does the school encourage you to play a role in the school improvement planning process?
6.In the past year, did you participate in any of the following activities at your child's school?
7.How well does your child's school provide information that is easy to understand?
8.How often does your child's teacher(s) communicate with you about your child's progress?
9.How would you prefer to receive information from your child's school? (check all that apply)
10.Do you know how to contact your child's teacher?
11.Do you take advantage of parent-teacher conferences to meet with your child's teacher in person?
12.What type of informational programs would you like the school to provide for parents? (check all that apply)
13.How often do you work with your child on homework?
14.How often do you have conversations with your child about what his or her class is learning at school?
15.How frequently do you participate in activities at your child's school?
16.How well do you feel the school creates a welcoming environment for parents?
17.Which of the following would enable you to participate in parent meetings and school activities? (check all that apply)
18.How often do you work with other parents at your child's school to plan and carry out school activities?
19.What ways can the school help parents to be involved in school activities and programs?
20.For each activity listed below, please provide us with your feedback by checking the box that best describes your opinion on the value of the activitiy.
Not valuable
Little value
Rather valuable
Very valuable
Did not Partcipate
Open House Night
Literacy Night
School Improvement Meeting
Parent-Teacher Conferences
STEM Night
Parent-Involvment Resources
Annual Title 1 Meeting
21.Please indicate whether you received the following information from your child's school.
Received and very helpful
Received but not helpful
Did not receive
Information about what the school teaches your child (from the teacher or school)
Information about TCAP testing
How to keep track of your child's progress and/or attendance
How you can work with teachers to help your child in school
Information about tutoring services provided at your child's school
Information about your child's assessment data (TCAP, benchmark scores, or aimswebPlus screening data)
Information used to determine whether your child moves to the next grade or repeats the same grade
Information about how to contact your child's teacher, counselor, or school administration
22.Which of the following parent or school support topics would you like to receive more information? (Choose all that apply)
23.What ways can your child's school improve communication between parents and the school?