Welcome to the ASM Web User Survey

ASM just launched a new look and feel for our homepage and website (asm.org). We'd love your input on how you interact with ASM online, as well as what your needs are on the web.

This short survey should take about 10 minutes. Respondents will be entered for a chance to win a copy of David Schlossberg's book, Infections of Leisure, on Sept. 1. 2016.

Thank you for your time! 

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* 1. Are you an ASM member?

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* 2. Into which categories would you place yourself? Select all that apply.

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* 3. What are the top 5 things you would want to be able to do on ASM's website? Please only choose 5.

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* 4. ASM would be of most value to me if online content focused on these areas (select up to 3):

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* 5. What tools or features would you like to see on our new site? Choose your top 3.

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* 6. Please rate ASM.org:

  Poor Fair Good Great No opinion
Ease of navigation
Home page content
Search function
Content tone/voice
Overall design

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* 7. Which ASM blog do you read the most?

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* 8. How would you rate the organization, look and functionality on these new homepage design elements?

  Great Good OK Needs some work Poor
Navigation bar
News and other homepage content
Text size

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* 9. Where do you prefer to get your online content? Check all that apply.

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* 10. If you'd like to be entered into the drawing for a copy of David Schlossberg's book, Infections of Leisure, please enter your email address below. We'll select one lucky winner at random on Sept 1., 2016. Good luck!

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* 11. What social media channels do you use the most professionally? Check all that apply.