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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Which, if any, of the following do you have trouble identifying?

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* 3. Which, if any, of the following do you have trouble identifying?

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* 4. Which, if any, of the following do you have trouble identifying?

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* 5. Are the following punctuated correctly?

  Yes No I really have no idea. Anything I mark would just be a guess.
I want: a cat, a flamingo, and a canary for pets.
I want these for pets; a cat, a flamingo, and a canary.
I want many, many pets: 3 cats, 8 flamingos, 23 canaries, and a baby skunk.
I want to know one thing: are you ready to rap some fly beats?
Wherever you go--and it might be many places--you should bring this compass.
Cats - for all their good qualities - sometimes shed fur all over the house, which is problematic.

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* 6. How comfortable are you with grammar? Please, tell me.

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* 7. What would you like me to teach you this year with regards to grammar?

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* 8. Is there anything else you feel compelled to tell or ask me at this moment--even if it's not grammar related?