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Thank you for being a participant in the NC ABLE Program! We are proud to provide the opportunity to save while preserving public benefits like SSI and Medicaid, for you and your family.  The NC ABLE Act was signed into law in 2015, we launched the NC ABLE Program in early 2017 and currently have nearly 1,500 account holders. 

As we continue to grow the NC ABLE Program, we are looking to you to provide valuable feedback so that we can improve our reach and services.  We appreciate your time and participation. This survey is intended for account owners and parents, guardians, and other authorized individuals for the account owner; however, we ask that only one survey be completed for each account.

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* 1. I am:

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* 2. How did you learn about the NC ABLE Program (check all that apply)?

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* 3. How important to you are the following features of an ABLE account?

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important
Preservation of SSI and/or Medicaid
Preservation of other benefit program
Tax savings
Improved financial independence
Other (please specify in comment box below)

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* 4. I use, or plan to use, my NCABLE account for purchases (check all that apply):

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* 5. How often do you use, or plan to use, the money in your NCABLE account to make purchases?

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* 6. How easy was the enrollment process?

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* 7. Did you enroll online or use the paper enrollment form?

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* 8. How well do the investment options in the NCABLE Program fit your goals and comfort with risk?

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* 9. If a financial advisor was available to assist with your investment selection, would you be willing to pay for that service?

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* 10. Would you recommend the NCABLE Program to others?

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* 11. What, if anything, would you change about the NCABLE Program?

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* 13. Tell us about yourself (NCABLE account owner, 100 words or less) - work, hobbies, interests, family, etc.

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* 14. Why is having the opportunity to save in the NCABLE Program important to you (100 words or less)?

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* 15. What topics related to the NC ABLE Program would you like to learn more about? 

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* 16. May we contact you about sharing your story and experience on our website and other forms of outreach?

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* 17. If yes, please give us your email address and phone number:

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