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* 1. Please type your full name in the box below. By submitting this you confirm that you have fully reviewed and understand the Danger Zone training. Go on to answer the questions below

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* 2. Children should walk ________ big steps ahead of the bus before turning to cross.

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* 3. You should always ________ the kids as they leave the bus and again when they walk away from the bus

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* 4. What should you tell the kids to do if they drop something near the bus?

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* 5. Knowing ________ is one way to reduce the risk of danger zone accidents

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* 6. How do you explain to students the safe practices in and around the danger zones?

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* 7. In the past 10 years ________ of child fatalities resulted from incorrect crossing practices.

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* 8. As you approach a stop, the students are running around and are obviously excited and playing. What do you do?

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* 9. Despite providing directions to cross correctly, a student would still not stop at the bumper and make sure it was clear. What do you do?

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* 10. What is the signal to alert the students to a dangerous situation?