CRMC Core Values

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey on your experiences and satisfaction with the service provided by the members of the Information Services department. Please remember that you are evaluating engagement and partnership with people, and not evaluating the functionality or capabilities of a specific technology system.

Question Title

* 2. My department:

On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – Strongly Disagree,   2 – Disagree,   3 – Neither Agree nor Disagree,   4 – Agree,   5 – Strongly Agree) answer the following questions about the service that Information Services provides.

Question Title

* 3. Teamwork
Information Services goals and priorities are aligned with mine and they work well with me to get the job done

Question Title

* 4. Transparency
Information Services is open, honest, and accountable in their relationship with me

Question Title

* 5. Continuous Improvement - Fact-based
Information Services creates an environment that encourages me to share data and views on when and why an approach may or may not work; how a service or solution could be improved; and welcomes such challenges as opportunities to learn, to engage, and to improve using evidence-based practices as the measure of success

Question Title

* 6. Be Impactful
Information Services partners with me to achieve favorable outcomes in a way that provides a positive experience, and helps me to reach a high level of effectiveness within my role 

Question Title

* 7. Celebrate Success Together
Information Services demonstrates commitment to my success, and joins me in feeling pride and in celebrating my accomplishments and continuous improvement

Question Title

* 8. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is Very Dissatisfied and 5 is Very Satisfied, please indicate your overall satisfaction with your Information Services experience.

Question Title

* 9.

Please provide any additional information on your survey responses that might help us to identify the things that we need to keep doing, stop doing, or start doing to improve our services with the ultimate objective to enable you to do your best work for the community and our patients.

Question Title

* 10.

If you would like to speak with the Director about your survey responses or overall rating of your experience, please leave your name and extension in the comments section below, and they will contact you to set up a time to meet and discuss.