IFPTE 61st Convention Candidate Form |
The 61st Convention of the International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers is scheduled for July 8-11, 2024. Per the IFPTE Local 21 bylaws the 10-person delegation will be made up of the five Executive Committee officers recently elected by the general membership and the 5 delegates to be elected.
Candidates shall submit a form to the Convention Election Committee below. Members in good standing of the union may apply. Candidates shall also submit a 75-word support statement. The digital form must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 20, 2024. These statements will be mailed out with the ballots.
Candidates shall submit a form to the Convention Election Committee below. Members in good standing of the union may apply. Candidates shall also submit a 75-word support statement. The digital form must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 20, 2024. These statements will be mailed out with the ballots.
Please Note:
**No lost time wages will be paid. This means attendees must take their own paid time off for the entire convention. Delegates must attend mandatory meetings prior to Convention, which may be scheduled during evening or weekend hours. At Convention, each delegate is charged with the responsibility of attending all general membership sessions, workshops, and special committee meetings as assigned. General delegation meetings and workshops are held daily. While at the convention, delegates are expected to conduct non-convention business before or after the sessions.