Submission Information for 2016 Bridging the Hearts and Minds of Youth Conference

We are pleased you are considering submitting to present your research at our upcoming conference. Below you will find all the information you might need to make your submission. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at the UCSD Center for Mindfulness,

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS MIDNIGHT, September 27, 2015 and decisions will be announced by October 31st, 2015.
Two chaired research symposia will be offered during the conference, and submissions under this heading will be considered part of those symposia. Individual presentations will be approximately 30 minutes including time for individual questions-and-answers, and will be followed by a 10-15 minute wrap-up by the discussant. Submission abstracts should include (1) the aims/objectives of the study, (2) a brief description of the participants, (3) the study design and methodology, (4) the mindfulness component of interest or mindfulness intervention used, (5) primary results, and (6) a brief conclusion. You are encouraged to provide quantitative/mixed methods results and statistical analyses whenever possible. Maximum 500 words. Submitters whose presentations are not accepted may be encouraged to submit a poster instead.

A poster session awill be held on Friday, February 27 and posters will also be displayed all day on February 28 (presenter attendance is not required on the 28th). A summary abstract is all that needs to be submitted at this time.

We value your potential contribution to the conference and its overall success, and wish to fairly compensate presenters for that contribution. In consideration of these significant contributions, research, breakout and workshop presenters will receive FREE conference registration. Poster presenters will receive the student rate (regardless of student status). In addition to this, we offer the following additional compensation and consideration:

Research Session Presenters will each receive a $200 honorarium.