Question Title

* 1. Objective: understand current advances in the field of limb reconstruction from South Korea

The content of the activity was consistent with its stated objectives.

Question Title

* 2. Objective: understand current advances in the field of limb reconstruction from South Korea

The teaching format was appropriate to accomplish the stated objective.

Question Title

* 3. Objective: understand current advances in the field of limb reconstruction from South Korea

How satisfied are you that the activity met the above objective?

Question Title

* 4. Objective: recognize the options for treatment of difficult problems in adult and pediatric limb reconstruction

The content of the activity was consistent with the stated objective.

Question Title

* 5. Objective: recognize the options for treatment of difficult problems in adult and pediatric limb reconstruction

The teaching format of the activity was appropriate to accomplish the stated objective.

Question Title

* 6. Objective: recognize the options for treatment of difficult problems in adult and pediatric limb reconstruction

How satisfied are you that the activity met the above objective?

Question Title

* 7. Objective: gain knowledge of the current controversies in the application of limb reconstruction techniques in foot and ankle surgery

The content of the activity was consistent with the stated objective.

Question Title

* 8. Objective: gain knowledge of the current controversies in the application of limb reconstruction techniques in foot and ankle surgery

The teaching format was appropriate to accomplish the stated objective.

Question Title

* 9. Objective: gain knowledge of the current controversies in the application of limb reconstruction techniques in foot and ankle surgery

How satisfied are you that the activity met the stated objective?

Question Title

* 10. The activity provided practical, useful information for physicians.

Question Title

* 11. How satisfied are you with the ability of this course to enhance your professional effectiveness?

Question Title

* 12. As a result of attending this activity, please indicate the amount your knowledge regarding this topic increased.

Question Title

* 13. Please tell us your individual objective for attending this course.

Question Title

* 14. In your opinion, did commercial bias exist in the presentations?

Question Title

* 15. If you answered "yes" to #14, please explain below.

Question Title

* 16. Were faculty and commercial support relationships and nonrelationships adequately disclosed?

Question Title

* 17. What is your overall evaluation of this course?