Be featured in The League Life!
Are you a Junior League Member who wants to have her story published in an upcoming issue of The League Life? Share with us here! We are currently accepting submissions for the following:
  • Member Spotlights - If you or a League Member you know is doing exceptional work and making an impact on the community either in or out of her League work, let us know! (If your submission is selected, you may be asked to be available for a 30 minute call or to send additional information.)
  • Member Stories - Do you or someone you know have a great story about your League experience? Share it with us! Stories can be personal anecdotes about how being a part of the League has made a difference in your life or your community; they can be humorous tales about the friends you've made or the work you do; the stories can be about any impactful experiences you have had as a League Member.
  • Member Shout Outs - Is there a League Member you admire? Let us know who she is and why she stands out!

Question Title

* 1. Your name

Question Title

* 2. Your email address

Question Title

* 4. I am submitting a: