Maryland Humanities' mission is to inspire all Marylanders to embrace lifelong learning, exchange ideas openly, and enrich their communities.  As part of that mission, Maryland History Day is designed to help students develop critical thinking and research skills needed for future success and leadership. Your responses to the survey below will help measure our progress in reaching these goals. All responses are confidential. Thank you for your participation.
Complete this form only once, no matter how many of your students participated in History Day.

Question Title

* 1. How much did your students' participation in History Day have the following types of impact on them?

  Not at All A Little Some Quite a Bit A Great Deal
Improved their communication skills.
Improved their critical thinking skills
Improved their academic achievement (grades and test scores)
Improved their research skills using primary and secondary source material
Improved their readiness for college

Question Title

* 2. How much do you agree with each statement below about how participating in History Day affected you and your students?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree
Taught my students to work effectively with other students
Developed my students' research skills using primary and secondary source material
Helped my students gain valuable experience in developing, presenting and defending their own argument
I plan to participate in Maryland History Day next year
Overall, participation in Maryland History Day met all my expectations
I would recommend Maryland History Day to other teachers

Question Title

* 3. Maryland History Day had a positive impact on how I taught the social studies curriculum in my classroom this year

Question Title

* 4. Did you use Library of Congress resources (from in your classroom?

Question Title

* 5. What resources from Maryland History Day were useful to you this year?  (Select all that apply)

To help us understand the usefulness of our resources please answer the following questions about the Teaching Primary Sources Inquiry Kits.

Question Title

* 6. Did you use TPS Inquiry Kits over the course of this school year?

Question Title

* 7. To what extent were TPS Inquiry Kits helpful for Maryland History Day?

Question Title

* 8. Please share any comments about TPS Inquiry Kits.