Hawaii Area Al-Anon Spring Assembly 2022 Survey

1.DR & GR Orientation: Did you attend? If so, what was a highlight? Do you have a suggestion for next time?
2.Delegate's Reports - What was most helpful? What would you like to know more about?
3.Area Business Meeting : What was most helpful or a highlight?
4.Consent Agenda Review & Approval: What was most helpful? Suggestions for next time?
5.District Rep & Coordinator Reports: What was a highlight? What would you like to know more about?
6.Saturday Evening & Sunday Morning Speaker & Open Meetings: What was a highlight? Suggestions for next time?
7.Fitness Breaks and Writing & Reflection: What was a highlight? Suggestions for next time?
8.Workshop - Concept 9-12 "Using the Concepts in Your Personal Recovery": What was a highlight or most helpful?
9.Assembly Registration Process and Zoom Hosting: What was a highlight? Please offer feedback or suggestions.
10.Please share your appreciations & any suggestions for next time (including workshop topics for future assemblies)