Everyday Leadership (LC 1)

Presenter: Juli McDonald, MEd, Assistant Director, Career Development Center, Jefferson University and Danielle Litwin-Moskowitz, MA, Assistant Director, Academic Support Services, Thomas Jefferson University
Leadership Curriculum: Integrity, Personal and Professional Development, Principles of Leadership

Tuesday, January 21st - 5:30pm - 6:30pm - JAH, Eakins Lounge
Wednesday, January 22nd - 12:00pm - 1:00pm - JAH, Eakins Lounge
Description: Sometimes leadership can feel like a tall order, however, you don't have to be a president or CEO to be a leader. Everyday leadership encourages you to think about the small ways you can be a leader each day. This type of leadership acknowledges the ways in which we are all connected and that even minor actions can change others’ lives. Join us for an interactive workshop where we examine the ways we incorporate leadership in our daily work, academics, and clinical experiences.