Stapler Park Playground Survey

The Friends of Stapler Park along with City Officials, and Community Members have recognized the need for new playground equipment at Stapler Park. The structures have proved to be tired, have safety issues, and in need of present-day standards.
We are asking for your help to pinpoint these needs by filling out a brief survey. This initiative is and will be driven by the Community and your input and financial support will be crucial in the development to update and beautify our neighborhood gem, Stapler Park. Thank you for your consideration!

The Friends of Stapler Park
1.How long have you lived in the Highlands, 40 Acres, Rockford park area?
2.How far away do you live from Stapler Park?
3.How many people at your residence are between the age of 1-4?
4.How many people at your residence are between the age of 5-12?
5.How many people at your residence are between the ages of 13-18?
6.How often do you frequent Stapler Park?
7.Would you like to see improvements to the Stapler Park playground equipment?
8.Does your family or do you know anyone in the neighborhood that has a need for playground equipment to be more inclusive to special needs?
9.If you answered yes, please share any additional feedback that will help to create a more inclusive playground for kids with special needs.
10.Other than playground equipment, what improvements would you like to see at Stapler Park?
11.Please leave your email address if you would like to know about future opportunities to help improve Stapler Park.
12.Would you be willing to participate in a Spring and/or Fall cleanup project organized by Friends of Stapler Park?  If yes, please leave your email address.
If you would like to pledge a donation towards Stapler Park renovation please click here.