Please take a two minute survey about the Aquifer Conservancy Program

Why should you sign up?
This is a volunteer stewardship program for landowners to place their groundwater resources into a legacy conservation program.

• a volunteer stewardship program for landowners to protect the aquifers in Milam and Burleson Counties by placing your groundwater resources into a legacy conservation program.

• place your property in the PACP for a terms of 5, 10, or 20 years • you maintain full ownership and control of your private property

• you can still drill or maintain an exempt well for domestic and livestock uses.

• you will be paid for each acre at the end of every year of the program • join together with your friends and neighbors and be a leader in protecting the water in our aquifers

Click OK to start the short survey

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* 1. How many acres would you considering enrolling in the Aquifer Conservancy Program?

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* 2. How long do you think you would initially commit to the program?

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* 3. Would you place your land in the conservancy if the payout would be any of the amounts below?

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* 4. How important do you think it is that Post Oak Savannah continues to monitor and protect the groundwater in our disrict>

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* 5. Do you have any other comments, questions or concerns?

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* 6. Would you like to help us spread the word about the Aquifer Conservancy Program?

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* 7. Name (not required) 
If you are not leaving your name or contact information, continue to the end

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* 8. email address or phone #