1. Introduction

The World Biogas Association is reaching out to members of the biogas community to establish a list of the grand challenges currently facing the industry, across the globe. By identifying the problems that are currently inhibiting the growth of the industry, the WBA will be able to help direct policymakers, industry and academia toward the fields that will best help improve the biogas industry.

By participating in this short survey you will be able to contribute your perspective to this valuable exercise and help the biogas industry overcome its grand challenges.
Note that we are specifically requesting science and technology breakthroughs that would have a major impact in the sector, in areas where you feel the present scientific understanding or available technologies are not adequate. As such important aspects such as subsidies, access to finance, a skilled workforce etc are out-of-scope for this survey.
We intend to publish these Grand Challenges to inspire and provide direction to academics and research-intensive companies to develop the next generation of technologies to support our sector
33% of survey complete.