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* 1. Did you have a positive role model (whether it was a parent, coach, teacher, relative, etc.) growing up--someone who taught you how to deal with the ups and downs of  life?

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* 2. How often do you use positive self affirmations?

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* 3. Are you a curious person? Meaning, would you say you have a strong desire to learn more about yourself and the world around you?

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* 4. In which area(s) of your life do you find yourself being the most authentic version of yourself?

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* 5. Do you believe you are currently living your BEST life?

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* 6. The most important quality in a friend is:

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* 7. Who do you have the hardest time being honest with?

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* 8. Which area(s) of your life do you most wish you could improve?

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* 9. Have you ever been bullied, either in person or online?

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* 10. Which of these fears have held you back in some way?

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* 11. Do you believe you can live the life you want?

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* 12. Rate your life on a scale of 1-10

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* 13. Do you feel strongly that you have a team around you that helps you live your best life?