Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and give us your opinions around lifestyle and the level of support that you would like the company to provide.

The survey is anonymous and responses will be merged.  No responses will be attributed to an individual or a team

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* 1. What do you want / expect from us as your employer? Would you prefer that we support you with employment only related matters; or would you like us to support you in wider parts of your life.  For example,'lifestyle' matters managing money, well-being, addiction - drug, alcohol and gambling etc through life coaching support? 

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* 2. If you do not want support, other than for employment related matters, is there a specific reason?

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* 3. If you do want 'lifestyle' support, what would that look like? What are the specific things that you would want from us?

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* 4. If you do want 'lifestyle support' from us, how would you prefer us to offer that?

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* 5. How comfortable would you feel about receiving support from us as your employer about sensitive matters, such as drug use?

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* 6. If you do use drugs; is it for recreational 'party lifestyle' or is it to manage mental health issues?

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* 7. Please feel free to share any other thoughts or comments in the box below.