
LIANZA is seeking your input into our draft strategic plan, which builds on the association’s strategic leadership review last year. This is an important time for the library and information sector, and LIANZA needs your feedback and ideas, so our priorities and limited resources are used effectively. Your involvement in this process will help ensure that LIANZA is making a positive impact on your role as a library and information professional.

You can find the draft strategy here.

We thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback online.

Question Title


In submitting responses to this survey I agree to my details being used for the purposes of consultation on the LIANZA draft strategy. The information will only be accessed as necessary by the LIANZA Office staff and collated with other responses to refine the strategy. I understand my data will be held securely and will not be distributed to third parties. I have a right to change or access my information. I understand that when this information is no longer required for the purpose of reviewing the draft strategy, LIANZA will dispose of my data.